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Running Isn’t CheapHealth 2016. 6. 15. 14:06
Running is simple: just lace up some shoes and go, right? We’ve even told you that you don’t need to buy expensive shoes. But even if you seek out the clothes, shoes, and races with the lowest price tags, it’s hard to keep your overall budget down. Here’s why, and what you can do.Saving money on running isn’t impossible, but beginner runners should be skeptical of the fiction that running is an ..
Make and Freeze This Flavorful Trinity For Quick, Easy Meal StartersFood 2016. 6. 15. 14:05
You may have heard of soffritto, that flavorful trinity of sauteed carrots, onion, and and celery that adds flavor and richness to everything it graces. You could saute up some soffritto each time you need it, or you could borrow this clever trick from Food 52 and keep a roll of it in the freezer, ready for instant use. To make it, just chop up roughly equal parts of each vegetable and cook the ..
Remove Berry Stains From Clothing With a Boiling Water FlushFood 2016. 6. 15. 14:04
A handful of berries is a great snack, but one dropped berry or thoughtless wipe of your juice-covered hands can leave your clothing stained. If you act quickly, a little boiling water can keep the red stain from setting in your favorite garments, even whites. A good stain remover will take out a stubborn stain once it sets, but it’s better to address the stain as soon as it happens, and Jo Firs..
What a Hiring Manager Is Actually Thinking During Your InterviewSocial Life 2016. 6. 15. 14:04
Whether you’ve interviewed over one million times or can count on one hand how many times you’ve been face-to-face with a hiring manager, the process is always stressful. Not only are you trying your hardest to present the very best version of yourself, you’re also attempting to read your audience and gather as much information as you can about the role, the company culture, and the organization..
Money Does Buy Happiness as Long as Purchases Fit Your PersonalityEconomy 2016. 6. 15. 14:02
While money may not be the key to happiness, it sure can help. A recent study suggests the trick is to be true to yourself. The study, led by Sandra C. Matz at the University of Cambridge, and published in the journal Psychological Science, used data from more than 76,000 transactions, and found that purchases of material goods and services only made people happy when they were in line with peop..