Remove Berry Stains From Clothing With a Boiling Water FlushFood 2016. 6. 15. 14:04
A handful of berries is a great snack, but one dropped berry or thoughtless wipe of your juice-covered hands can leave your clothing stained. If you act quickly, a little boiling water can keep the red stain from setting in your favorite garments, even whites. A good stain remover will take out a stubborn stain once it sets, but it’s better to address the stain as soon as it happens, and Jo Firs..
Add a Bit of Butter to Your Yolks for Super Creamy Deviled EggsFood 2016. 6. 11. 09:57
I don’t mind a fancy deviled egg, but at heart I am a bit of a purist. Mayo, mustard, maybe a little pickle brine or relish, and some paprika are really all you need. But even I am excited about the idea of adding a bit of soft butter to the filling. Developed by Virginia Willis and featured in her cookbook Bon Appetit Y’all, the recipe uses just two tablespoons of room temperature butter for 24..
Add Hard-Boiled Egg Yolks to Cakes and Biscuits for a More Tender CrumbFood 2016. 6. 11. 09:37
Besides deviled eggs and chopped salads, I rarely think of adding hard-boiled egg yolks to recipes, much less baked goods, but it turns out that doing so can give cakes, shortbreads, and biscuits the most tender crumb imaginable. According to Bon Appetit, adding sieved, hard-cooked yolks to a cake or biscuit recipe keeps everything nice and tender by disrupting the gluten network: What happens i..
How Much Do You Save With Generic Brands, and When Is Spending More Worth It?Food 2016. 6. 11. 09:28
We all know that the generic, store brand of most goods are cheaper. Most of them are usually just as good if not identical to the name brand. We want to know how much you save by going with the off brand. Personal finance site Three Thrifty Guys decided to make a chart of their own experience with this experiment. During a typical shopping trip, the site compared prices between 16 different ite..
Make Use of an Unripened Avocado by Turning It Into a GarnishFood 2016. 6. 9. 01:06
You thought you bought a ripe avocado, but when you slice it open, it’s still too hard to be used for guacamole or a BLAT sandwich. Instead of wasting it, grab your grater and make a tasty, great-looking garnish. You can try to ripen your avocados faster by sticking them in the oven, or storing them for a day or two with some bananas, but it’s already too late if you’ve cut into it. To make the ..
Grill a Frozen Steak to Perfection, No Thawing RequiredFood 2016. 6. 9. 01:03
A big, frozen rib-eye may not seem like something you can just throw on the grill at the last minute, but Cook’s Illustrated has devised away to grill thick, frozen steaks to perfection in well under an hour. The key lies in setting up a two-level fire, placing the frozen steaks directly over the primary heat source for about 7 minutes per side, until they’re nice and browned all over. Once they..
Why You Shouldn't Grind Up Nuts Fresh From the OvenFood 2016. 6. 9. 00:32
Your food processor is a great tool for making your own, fresh-roasted nut butters, but throwing toasted almonds or peanuts in the bowl straight out of the oven can wreak havoc on your trusty appliance. According to Bon Appetit, not only will putting hot nuts in your food processor leave you with a gummy, grossly-textured product, but it can discolor and warp the plastic parts of your processor...
Four Frozen Protein Smoothies That Make Perfect Post-Workout PopsiclesFood 2016. 6. 8. 15:35
The days of hot, sweaty workouts are upon us. It’s time to upgrade your after-exercise snack from a boring protein bar and a swig of lukewarm water to one of these refreshing protein popsicles. The formula is simple: blend, freeze, enjoy. Any liquid can be frozen into popsicle form, but protein smoothies are perfect for after a workout. Eating protein within an hour after exercising may help you..